Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration '09 Thoughts and Comments

All we had to go through to see Obama Inaugurated.... Not just from that day. That day was enough. It was a struggle to get down there and to get back. But think about what we went through to get him in office. We had to struggle to get someone like him. All through slavery and through the Civil Rights movement. Then through Reagan and Bush and then Bush Again. This experience chronicled the pains and labor that we had to endure to get to the point of becoming the determiners of our own destiny as a nation.

To sum up my inauguration day it was like being in a desert for 8 long years and then someone finally gave me water to drink. Yet the water was muddy and dirty. I drank it nonetheless because I was thirsty.

Obama was the water. What I had to experience was the mud. The years of course were the Bush Administration and then the Primary and the campaign and then the wait till this day.

As I stood on the mall and the clock was ticking down to 12:00pm I would say to the delight of those around me... 6 minutes to freedom or 3 minutes to freedom based on how close we were to noontime. As noon came they were having the classical music presentation. I remarked they were delaying my freedom. Liberty came at 12:06pm. We heard the speech and started to leave. We soon found that we were back in bondage with the massive crowd trying to leave out of a small space between the fence and when we got free of that we were in bondage again trying to exit up 18th St. We finally were free when we went around to 19th street.

This shows that freedom ain't comes at a cost. We will experience moments of freedom and then bondage again until true liberation comes after hardship and struggle.

We were Marching to Zion crying out for a Balm in Gilead and found Amazing Grace in the Sweet Sweet Spirit.

It will be interesting to see how our nation will change to reflect the spirit of where we want to be. May God Bless us on this Journey Within.

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